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Hi! My name is Katera Thompson. This is my third year with the WAMily and second year as Youth director! I was nervous about joining because it pushed me outside of my comfort zone. Now, three years later, I have made so many friends and learned so many things! I joined and never looked back. I have lived in northern Minnesota my whole life and spent every summer at my parents’ lake place since I was born. I grew up fishing with my dad and absolutely love time on the water and on the Ice. I am a Senior Integration Analyst in my work life. I am a mom and a foster mom in my home life. I have a 14 year old, 2 year old, and black lab puppy named Trigger. I love kids! One of my very favorite things to do is teach kids about fishing. I believe that if we teach the kids how to tie knots, bait hooks, and handle fish, then they will indeed have a lifetime hobby and a love for fishing. I love the concentration on their faces when they are waiting for a bite as well as the huge smiles when they reel in the line to see what they have caught. There is nothing quite like it. I look forward to meeting more of you and getting the opportunity to work more with Youth!!

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